Synthetic grass installation of football field Dallas Texas

Synthetic grass installation of football field Dallas Texas

Synthetic green Padel field to New York

Synthetic green Padel field to New York

Synthetic green Padel turf is the most popular color in our customers' choice.Padel synthetic turf is the same synthetic turf that is used to cover synthetic tennis courts More detailsnavigate_next
football indoor marseille

installation of an indoor 5-a-side football pitch to Phoenix Arizona

Creation of a five-on-five football field with to Phoenix Arizona. The company Universe Gazon carries out a mini football field measuring 15 m by 25 m in length with a framework of 12 mm thick tempered glass panels, very resistant, offering greater longevity than wood or chipboard panels which do... More detailsnavigate_next
gazon synthétique avec remplissage pour football

Football XC Memory synthetic turf for soccer field to HOUSTON

Univers Gazons presents its Football XC Memory synthetic turf.It is used for outdoor football surfaces, mini footballs and indoor football.Available in 40.50 and 60mm heights, this synthetic turf with infill is equipped with ribbed fibers for better performance against wear.Tested in the... More detailsnavigate_next
gazon synthétique sans remplissage foot PRO

FOOT Pro synthetic turf without infill 27 mm to New York CITY

Univers Gazons presents its FOOT Pro synthetic turf without infill 27 mm.This is the latest generation of non-infill synthetic turf designed exclusively for 5-a-side or indoor futball to New York CITY.This product with impressive technical characteristics is the most resistant on the market.It is... More detailsnavigate_next
gazon synthétique foot salle sans remplissage

synthetic turf football field without infill San Antonio

Univers Gazons offers the latest generation of synthetic turf for indoor soccer and indoor football.We offer several products with or without filling for intensive practice of this sport.To discover our different artificial lawns for indoor footaball, please click on the following link: Click... More detailsnavigate_next
gazon synthétique foot indoor sans remplissage foot eco

Synthetic grass FOOT ECO 32 mm without infill Football Washington

Univers Gazons presents its FOOT ECO synthetic turf without infill 32 mm.It is an artificial turf without infill combining quality and price.Are you looking for a synthetic turf without infill at an affordable price: the FOOT ECO 32 mm is made for you! Tested in the laboratory, it is ideal for... More detailsnavigate_next

Are you looking for a company to provide the following service: Synthetic grass installation of football field Dallas Texas?

Univers Gazons remains at your disposal to present its know-how in matters of sports coating and construction of structure for the practice of padel, indoor soccer, etc.

Our experts study all your needs and carry out the installation of artificial turf for a football field on Dallas Texas, the installation of artificial turf for field of golf , etc.

We manufacture our coatings and guarantee a high-end service. We can offer you the construction of an indoor soccer field, padel and multisport structure.

Contact us for more information on our different services.

Our area of ​​activity for this service

Synthetic grass installation of football field

10 years guarantee
10 years guarantee
custom manufacturing
custom manufacturing
20 years of expertise
20 years of expertise
Quality and know-how
Quality and know-how